

Hello, dear readers of SymbolTimes, in today’s article we will tell you about the SSS Extension widget running on the Symbol blockchain, as well as take an exclusive interview with the developer Inatatsu.

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So what is SSS Extension?

The SSS Extension is a web wallet built as a widget on the Google Store and running on the Symbol blockchain by Japanese developer @inatatsu_csg. In the Symbol blockchain, you can link (synchronize) SSS Extension and dApps (Decentralized Applications) to each other and make payments.

With this widget, you can easily sign transactions, the SSS extension on Symbol can be compared to the Metamask wallet, which is powered by Ethereum technology. Therefore, it is very cool that the SSS Extension, which is a non-custodial cross-chain wallet, allows you to store crypto assets on the Symbol network.

By the way, we once wrote that we created our own SymbolTimesWallet using the SSS Extension, it’s very surprising, you can read more 👉 HERE.

Also for those who will be using SSS for the first time, you should know that there are 3 versions of SSS:

  1. SSS Extension – Current version
  2. SSS Dev version – Developer version (For testing)
  3. SSS Archive version – Archived (spare) version

SSS Documentation

Some time ago, Gimre (core dev Symbol) asked a question on the Symbol discord about the English documentation for SSS.

The main developer of Symbol was interested in the question, is there a translation of the SSS documents into English? If not, maybe someone is ready to do it?

SymbolTimes talked to the developer Inatatsu, and we all agreed that SymbolTimes should help with translating documentation into 2 languages (Russian, English). Thus, the SSS documentation will be fully translated in November.

You can follow the process via GitHub 👉 HERE

Therefore, if you want to better understand how to work with SSS, read the documentation 👉 HERE

Precautions when using SSS Extension

  • SSS Extension does not store private keys and passwords, so be careful not to lose sensitive information yourself.
  • SSS Extension stores an encrypted private key, an encrypted password set by the user.
  • If you forget your password and you are unable to log into your SSS Extension account, you will need to unregister and re-register your account so that you can reset your password.

However, there is no such thing as perfect security, so you should use a secondary account rather than a primary account.

Recent Updates

SSS has released a Web3 authentication system (SSS-auth) that works with Django (a high-level Python web framework). Now if you are using SSS you do not need to enter a password, just authenticate with an address/private key.


Also, developers will be able to easily implement authentication systems in their applications. If you are a developer, we recommend that you review this SSS update. Also, since you can verify that you are the owner of the Symbol address, you will be able to develop services that only people with a certain mosaic can use. Read more 👉 HERE.

If you have questions, you can tweet with a question using the hashtag #SSS_Extension, or PM SSS_Symbol Twitter account, or join the SSS discord.

An update has just been released, so make sure you are using the latest version of SSS Extension ver 3.1.1. Updates are installed automatically.

You can see a demo video of sending a transaction from the SSS web application and signing it without passing the private key.

Interview with Inatatsu

And now, dear subscribers, let’s move on to another interesting topic, such as an interview with the SSS developer. He tried to answer all our questions, so we hope you enjoy it.

SymbolTimes: Tell us how you came up with the idea to create an SSS widget?

Inatatsu: When I was at university, I was researching a secure method for signing transactions, so I thought that signing transactions with web applications could be made more secure using browser widgets, so I started developing SSS on the Symbol blockchain to bring this method to life.

SymbolTimes: Can you tell me why you named your application SSS?

Inatatsu: SSS is an abbreviation for each of the following words:

  • Safely
  • Signature
  • Symbol

SymbolTimes: What is your favorite programming language, tell us how you became a programmer and what influenced it in your life?

Inatatsu: My favorite programming language is TypeScript because it brings order to the messy Javascript programming language. When I was old enough to own a mobile phone, smartphones became popular and I wanted to be the person who creates these things by touching useful applications and interesting games. Therefore, the appearance of smartphones is due to the fact that they inspired me to become a programmer.

SymbolTimes: The cryptocurrency market is currently in a bearish trend. What advice can you give to SymbolTimes readers during this challenging time?

Inatatsu: Let’s now sow the seeds (grains) so that they sprout and bloom after the winter, with the help of SSS.

SymbolTimes: What is your hobby/interest?

Inatatsu: I enjoy playing and creating games, whether digital or analog.

SymbolTimes: What is your favorite dish?

Inatatsu: Ramen!!!


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